First Holy Communion
Preparing Children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion
As parents, you may remember preparing for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation at school or in a parish group. The celebration of the Sacrament is always a joyful occasion to help deepen our faith, and help us to grow in holiness as we try to become better disciples of the Lord.
Children attending Sacred Heart School
If your child attends Sacred Heart school, or another Catholic School the sacramental preparation for Reconciliation, Holy Communion takes place through the RE Curriculum at school. The course is designed to help children reflect on the meaning of their Catholic faith in their lives and deepen their love and knowledge of God and understand the prayers of the Mass.
Children not attending Catholic Schools
For children not attending a Catholic school, we offer a parish preparation course, which takes place on Friday afternoon at 4.30pm. This takes place in the Crypt Room and is led by an experienced team of Parish Catechists. The children follow a set text book and are encouraged to grow in the love of Jesus and his Church.
The Next Step
It is important for families to understand the commitment that you, your child and family make in preparing and celebrating the Sacraments, and in ensuring that the faith is practiced. An important element in the preparation is a series of parish family Masses that focus on the importance of gathering, listening, thanking, sharing and going into the world.
Click the guide below which also includes the application form: